How to make signature in word
How to make signature in word

how to make signature in word

You can drag the signature line wherever you wish in the document. Provide some instructions for the signer if you want to.Ī signature line will be inserted with a cross sign and a line telling you where to put the Word signature.

how to make signature in word

The details can be of you or of the person you want to sign the document. You can write your signature details here, including the title, name, and the signer’s email address.

  • A Signature Setup pop-up box will appear.
  • You can find this option in the Text section in the ribbon menu on the right side of the Word document.

    how to make signature in word

  • Open the Word document and choose the Insert option.
  • These are the steps you can follow to add a signature to a Word document: We took the example screenshots on Word for Office 2019. The simplest approach to add a signature in Word to a document if you intend to print it is to add a signature line and sign it physically. How to Add a Signature Line in Microsoft WordĪ signature line offers a spot for you or another person to sign a printed document. Now, let’s look at how to make an e-signature on Word.
  • Prevents Repudiation: For people communicating remotely, this can act as proof of the document’s origin to all the parties, which prevents unwanted disagreements.
  • This keeps the document safe from malicious actors that may try to change the contents of the document.
  • Maintains Integrity: When you sign a document, it acts as a confirmation that the document was not tampered with by another party.
  • This is especially true if the document is then exported to a non-editable document, as it will show that you are the original author of the file.
  • Authenticity: Adding a signature to your documents will be able to prove their authenticity to the readers.
  • You may want to add your signature to your Word documents for several reasons. Reasons to Add a Signature to Your Word Documents
  • Wrapping Up How to Insert a Signature in Word.
  • Can You Add a Handwritten Signature in Word? / How Do I Write My Signature on a Word Document?.
  • How to Add a Signature to Word Document on Mobile.
  • how to make signature in word

    How to Add a Signature in Word Using a Picture.How to Add a Signature Line in Microsoft Word.Reasons to Add a Signature to Your Word Documents.

    How to make signature in word